Keeping children out of the crosshairs of divorce

Keeping children out of the crosshairs of divorce

Unfortunately, children are often innocently caught in the crossfire when parents in Arizona decide to end a marriage. Marriages can end for a number of reasons but, regardless of social stigmas and stereotypes, divorce does not have to be a totally negative experience for parents or children. However, for children to make it through this process unscathed, it is imperative that parents not lose focus on being parents.

The most important thing for parents to do during this time is to make children a priority. Divorce is tough, no doubt, and parents may tend to focus on their own emotional pain. However, children need attention during the process as well. Even though parents are technically separated, putting differences aside and working together will have positive outcomes for the emotional and mental well-being of the children.

In order to help children through divorce, ex-spouses must be civil and communicate with each other effectively. Also, parents should not talk bad about the other party when they are alone with children. Instead, they should let their children know that it is acceptable to have disagreements and show them how to work through this experience in a healthy way. It is common for children to feel guilty and responsible for the events that have unfolded, so it is important for parents to reassure the kids that the situation is not their fault.

Divorce can be emotional and challenging for anyone, especially when children are involved. However, if parents work together, this change can ultimately be a positive experience for all parties. An important piece of advice for those in Arizona thinking about divorce is to find a good attorney. An experienced legal representative can offer guidance and answer any questions that individuals may have during this turbulent time as well as serve as serve as counsel during all ensuing legal proceedings.

More details about Divorce attorney phoenix AZ feel free to visit –

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Pay attention to your child during a divorce

Pay attention to your child during a divorce

Divorce is difficult for adults, but children who have to live through their parents divorcing are placed in a precarious position. These children love both parents and likely can’t stand the thought of having to choose between parents. The adults in these situations need to remember that this is a hard time for the kids.
There are several things that you can do to help your children when you are divorcing. One is to remember that they have certain rights that you should make sure remain in place. While you might find that you need to add to this list based on your child’s needs, here are some to get you started:

Right to be a child

Your children shouldn’t be treated as miniature adults. Even though you are spending a lot of time with them, don’t fall into the habit of exposing them to the problems and struggles of the divorce. You also shouldn’t allow children to be used as messengers between parents.

Right to see both parents

Children don’t want to have to pick one parent over the other. Even if you don’t want to see your ex, you should still make sure that your children get to build a relationship with both parents. There are some exceptions to this, such as cases of abuse.

Right to spend time with other family members

Most children have good relationships with extended family members, such as grandparents and cousins. They should be able to nurture these even though you are divorcing your ex. Both parents can work together to nurture these relationships.

Right to have friends

As children grow, they will forge friendships. Just because you are divorcing doesn’t mean that they can’t continue to stay connected to these friends. Even if you end up moving, you should try your best to foster their close friendships. Using online methods like video chats might make this easier.

Right to have and express feelings

Try to help your children work through their feelings. Some children might have trouble thinking of what to say to relay what they are thinking and feeling. Don’t get irritated or upset with the kids when they need to express those thoughts. Try to help them find productive and appropriate ways to do this. A divorce is a challenging change for them.

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New Child Custody Legislation Favors Co-parenting

Child Custody Legislation Favors Co-parenting

When a marriage ends, it’s common for parents to worry about the impacts that a divorce can have on children. Children typically need both parents, and their well-being may suffer when a parent is suddenly taken out of their lives. Likewise, parents can have a great deal of anxiety when it comes to post-divorce custody arrangements. However, child custody arrangements in Arizona and across the country these days have shifted from a winner-take-all situation to shared 50/50 parenting.

One state recently passed legislation saying that both parents, if fit, will split time equally with children. Traditionally, mothers were commonly awarded sole custody of children. However, recent research has shown that children fair much better post-divorce when both parents are present in their lives.

Advocates of the new law say that shared parenting will lead to less arguments and less fighting between parents, since both parents are not pitted against each other. According to the new law, parents with a history of mental health problems, drug addictions or domestic violence would be disqualified from co-parenting. Supporters say the new legislation will ensure that children get equal access to both parents, thus creating better outcomes for parents and children alike.

Although the new legislation has been passed in only one state so far, it is likely that more states will soon follow suit, Arizona included. Parents that have questions regarding current child custody laws could benefit from consulting a knowledgeable attorney. A skilled litigator can help individuals navigate through the confusion and stressful process of divorce and custody arrangements.

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Those going through divorce need support


The breakup of a marriage is a an emotional event that can have psychological impacts, ranging from relief to severe depression. However, the latter seems to be more common. Recent studies involving recent divorces in Arizona and the United States have shown that the emotional and psychological effects of divorce are not unlike the effects of some diseases. Those going through a divorce can experience just as much pain as someone suffering from a physical affliction. They also need just as much help and support in order to recover.

For those that are struggling in a marriage, it is recommended to get help sooner rather than later. Instead of planning for the end, try to remedy the current situation. If saving the marriage is out of the question, then make an attempt to come to a mutual understanding.

Divorce can have effects on a person similar to the death of a loved one. Except when a loved one dies, many people are there for support. In a divorce, however, people can be distant and hesitant to offer support. Children caught in the middle of a divorce possibly need support more than anyone. These children could greatly benefit from the presence of an adult role model.

Its no secret that divorce can have adverse effects on a person’s psyche and well-being. These effects can leave a person psychologically and emotionally scarred. For those in Arizona contemplating divorce, possibly the most important piece of advice at any stage is to find a knowledgeable and experienced attorney. A skilled legal representative can help guide individuals through this emotional experience.

For more details about Divorce attorney phoenix AZ feel free to visit – & call us – 480-300-6012

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Tips to Prepare for Divorce Mediation

Businessteam Reviewing Documents

When a couple is not happy with each other and they want to separate, things suddenly change for both the individuals. Arrangement for kids, a place to live, finances, property division are just a few major ones that take up considerable attention of the individuals when separation is on the cards. Since the process of divorce and pain of separation is not small and easy because after separating everything is going to change for both of them.

In that situation divorce mediation can be a very successful solution, especially for those couples who are trying to keep down during the process. Divorce mediation is a process where an outsider (generally a neutral party and preferably a divorce attorney) meets the couple and helps to make possible negotiations, discussions on various issues. Mediation is not counselling; it is another process if one does not want to go to the court. The main objective of mediation is to reach an agreement that works for your life without any court and stress.

When a couple decides to separate, many of them will focus on the best interest of their children because this is the best way to build your child’s trust and understanding in your new roles. You need to be prepared for typical problems and parenting issues.

Hiring an experienced divorce mediator is important

When separation is on the cards it becomes all the more important for you to hire a professional and experienced mediator. Before hiring a mediator you need to research about the best mediators available around you who can fit your bill, you need to check their website, past experience, past client reviews plus you can get reference from your relatives and friends. These little things help you to find a professional and experienced mediator. When you are finding a professional divorce mediator it will help you to separate amicably from your spouse.

Divorce Mediation

Discussion points in Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation isn’t debating. It doesn’t need you to prove that you are correct and the other individual isn’t right or persuade her/him to give up what she/he thinks is important. It needs to be voluntary. You need to discuss every important point with your spouse, if you do not discuss everything properly with your spouse there are more chances the partner will go to the court.
These are points you need to discussions with your partner –

  • Property and assets
  • Child Custody
  • Child Support
  • Child Study
  • Visitation and Support Issues

Young Couple Calculating their Domestic Bills

Your behavior is more important at mediation

Your behavior is an important part of your life. Always respect your spouse, very often it happens that your spouse is ready for everything before you get to mediation, but your spouse has some points that he/she wants you to listen to. You should listen to your spouse the same way as he/she listens, so that you can separate without any problems.

Think about your children

Think about your children

When both individuals have decided to separate then you should talk to your children together. As separation of the parents has the biggest impact on the child it becomes pertinent to explain a few things to the kid which will help him/her get a hang of the things that are happing and will happen in future. Kids are sensitive and can be molded in way that shapes up their future in a much better way. After separation your responsibility increases. You need to learn effective ways of co-parenting early. Take care of your children, be patient with your children throughout the process. Provide a good environment and great place to live so that people don’t speak anything to them that might hurt their sentiments or leave a scar on their psyche. You have to be a good parent, so that the children are happy. Try to become a good and caring co-parent, so that your children feel happy and comfortable with you.