Keeping children out of the crosshairs of divorce

Keeping children out of the crosshairs of divorce

Unfortunately, children are often innocently caught in the crossfire when parents in Arizona decide to end a marriage. Marriages can end for a number of reasons but, regardless of social stigmas and stereotypes, divorce does not have to be a totally negative experience for parents or children. However, for children to make it through this process unscathed, it is imperative that parents not lose focus on being parents.

The most important thing for parents to do during this time is to make children a priority. Divorce is tough, no doubt, and parents may tend to focus on their own emotional pain. However, children need attention during the process as well. Even though parents are technically separated, putting differences aside and working together will have positive outcomes for the emotional and mental well-being of the children.

In order to help children through divorce, ex-spouses must be civil and communicate with each other effectively. Also, parents should not talk bad about the other party when they are alone with children. Instead, they should let their children know that it is acceptable to have disagreements and show them how to work through this experience in a healthy way. It is common for children to feel guilty and responsible for the events that have unfolded, so it is important for parents to reassure the kids that the situation is not their fault.

Divorce can be emotional and challenging for anyone, especially when children are involved. However, if parents work together, this change can ultimately be a positive experience for all parties. An important piece of advice for those in Arizona thinking about divorce is to find a good attorney. An experienced legal representative can offer guidance and answer any questions that individuals may have during this turbulent time as well as serve as serve as counsel during all ensuing legal proceedings.

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Pay attention to your child during a divorce

Pay attention to your child during a divorce

Divorce is difficult for adults, but children who have to live through their parents divorcing are placed in a precarious position. These children love both parents and likely can’t stand the thought of having to choose between parents. The adults in these situations need to remember that this is a hard time for the kids.
There are several things that you can do to help your children when you are divorcing. One is to remember that they have certain rights that you should make sure remain in place. While you might find that you need to add to this list based on your child’s needs, here are some to get you started:

Right to be a child

Your children shouldn’t be treated as miniature adults. Even though you are spending a lot of time with them, don’t fall into the habit of exposing them to the problems and struggles of the divorce. You also shouldn’t allow children to be used as messengers between parents.

Right to see both parents

Children don’t want to have to pick one parent over the other. Even if you don’t want to see your ex, you should still make sure that your children get to build a relationship with both parents. There are some exceptions to this, such as cases of abuse.

Right to spend time with other family members

Most children have good relationships with extended family members, such as grandparents and cousins. They should be able to nurture these even though you are divorcing your ex. Both parents can work together to nurture these relationships.

Right to have friends

As children grow, they will forge friendships. Just because you are divorcing doesn’t mean that they can’t continue to stay connected to these friends. Even if you end up moving, you should try your best to foster their close friendships. Using online methods like video chats might make this easier.

Right to have and express feelings

Try to help your children work through their feelings. Some children might have trouble thinking of what to say to relay what they are thinking and feeling. Don’t get irritated or upset with the kids when they need to express those thoughts. Try to help them find productive and appropriate ways to do this. A divorce is a challenging change for them.

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New Child Custody Legislation Favors Co-parenting

Child Custody Legislation Favors Co-parenting

When a marriage ends, it’s common for parents to worry about the impacts that a divorce can have on children. Children typically need both parents, and their well-being may suffer when a parent is suddenly taken out of their lives. Likewise, parents can have a great deal of anxiety when it comes to post-divorce custody arrangements. However, child custody arrangements in Arizona and across the country these days have shifted from a winner-take-all situation to shared 50/50 parenting.

One state recently passed legislation saying that both parents, if fit, will split time equally with children. Traditionally, mothers were commonly awarded sole custody of children. However, recent research has shown that children fair much better post-divorce when both parents are present in their lives.

Advocates of the new law say that shared parenting will lead to less arguments and less fighting between parents, since both parents are not pitted against each other. According to the new law, parents with a history of mental health problems, drug addictions or domestic violence would be disqualified from co-parenting. Supporters say the new legislation will ensure that children get equal access to both parents, thus creating better outcomes for parents and children alike.

Although the new legislation has been passed in only one state so far, it is likely that more states will soon follow suit, Arizona included. Parents that have questions regarding current child custody laws could benefit from consulting a knowledgeable attorney. A skilled litigator can help individuals navigate through the confusion and stressful process of divorce and custody arrangements.

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Divorce Lawyer in Phoenix AZ studies Psychological aspects of divorce


The word divorce is very simple to say but it is one of the most difficult tasks to do. Since divorce involves the separation of two individuals who have been attached physically, emotionally,and mentally for a few years or months. To separate form one another one needs a lot of strength and courage. Almost every divorce create stress with negativity in terms of the psychology of the individuals and their kids. In case you have decided to separate from one another especially in phoenix then divorce lawyers in phoenix AZ will be the best lawyers to handle your divorce proceedings.

Emotional stages of divorce

When a person decides to take divorce he will go through many emotional feelings. These stages will be as follows.

Denial while undergoing divorce

In this early stage a person doesn’t believe at all that this can happen to him or her. This one is the most traumatic condition. The person will think that this is a bad dream.In this condition a person refuses to accept that the relationship is over and the person will have to find a solution to his issue.

Undergoing divorce involves shock

In this stage a person feels panic and numbness like he is gone crazy .He is no able to cope up with his situations. The person might become irritated at all times and will snap at small things.

Bargaining before the actual divorce

In order to save your marriage you are willing to change everything so that you can save your marriage. In this case you have no control on your feelings, thought process and desires.These will change frequently. You might bargain with your partner things that might not work in future. Beware, do not bargain anything that is not in your control or you do not want to follow in future.

Acceptance before divorce

This one will be the last stage in this case you know you can’t change anything and all the obsessive thoughts have stopped. During this period you have strength and courage and you will be able to go forward instead of the fear of losing that you felt in the past.

Divorce Effects

The decision to end up the relationship is filled with lots of contradictory emotions. The end of a marriage is devastating to both the parties and it effects differently for all of them and for kids if they have any. While looking at the condition of the partners getting divorced they may feel shock, anger and betrayal. A feeling of low self-esteem might creep in the individuals who are thinking or have already undergone divorce. People who once envisioned their future together will be separating is truly a feeling of shock and betrayal.

Effect of Divorce on kids

The separation of parents can interfere a kid’s life. Initially when they came to know about their parents separation, they worry about who will take care of them. A kid may express his anger on his or her siblings or on the parents. They experience problems in social relationships. Their school performance may go down. According to a study many children think that they are the reason behind the divorce of their parents.Which leads them to immense stress. So while applying for divorce parents should assure their children that they are not responsible for the divorce.